Vigor - Strength
Determines how much damage is dealt with a physical melee attack.
Damage = ((((1d20 + Vigor + WeaponDamage) * Critical) + Bonus) * Weakness)
if 1d20 == 20; Critical equals 2 else Critical == 1;
Finesse - Dexterity
Determines how much damage is dealt with a physical ranged attack.
Damage = ((((1d20 + Finesse + WeaponDamage) * Critical) + Bonus) * Weakness)
if 1d20 == 20; Critical equals 2 else Critical == 1;
Physique - Constitution
Determines how much Health a character gains upon an increase in level.
HealthGain = Physique * 2
Acumen - Intelligence
Determines how much damage is dealt with Arcana attacks and how much Health is healed.
Damage = ((((1d20 + Acumen + SpellDamage) * Critical) + Bonus ) * Weakness)
if 1d20 == 20; Critical equals 2 else Critical == 1
Insight - Wisdom
Determines how much Arcana a character gains upon an increase in level.
ArcanaIncrease = Wisdom * 2
Allure - Charisma
Determines the ability of a character to successfully bribe, coerce, or charm creatures and NPCs. Please note that Benevolent creatures cannot be coerced and Malevolent creatures cannot be charmed.
BribeSuccess = (CharacterAllure + (Silver / 100) > (EnemyAllure * Morality); success
CoerceSuccess = (CharacterAllure + CharacterMalevolence)d10 > (EnemyAllure + EnemyMalevolence)d10
CharmSuccess = (CharacterAllure + CharacterBenevolence)d10 > (EnemyAllure + EnemyBenevolence)d10
Those that choose to live life in the service of others, not caring for personal gain, acquire benevolence. Benevolence factors in to bribery, Allure checks, relationships, and a variety of other actions.
Those that choose to live life in the service of only themselves, not caring who or what gets hurt, acquire malevolence. Malevolence factors in to bribery, Intimidation checks, relationships, and a variety of other actions.